
Vestas is a global leader in wind energy.

We design, manufacture, install and service onshore and offshore wind turbines across the globe. With more than 173 gigawatts (GW) of wind turbines in 88 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else.

Active in Australia for more than 30 years, Vestas has constructed and is operating more than 2,200 turbines across over 60 wind farms – about 6GW and 40% of Australia’s installed wind capacity.

Employing more than 750 employees across Australia and New Zealand, Vestas is funding the development and design of this wind farm project. We’re committed to supplying the wind turbines, managing project construction and providing long-term operation and maintenance services for the plant.

Project Status

The Mid West Wind Farm is under active development.

Vestas is actively consulting with local community members and stakeholders about the project. The feedback received, in conjunction with the results of environmental assessments, will inform the project design.


Project Timeline


  • Site identification and preliminary site investigations
    Includes installation of wind monitoring equipment to measure wind speed in the proposed project area, and early engagement with landowners, local government, and other stakeholders.
  • Detailed environmental studies commence
    Environmental studies will be conducted to investigate potential ecological, cultural heritage, visual, and noise impacts. Results from the studies will be included in the Environmental Review Document (ERD) to be submitted as part of the Project’s Development Application.
  • Community engagement commences
    Engagement begins with residents and the wider community and stakeholders, to continue throughout the Project lifecycle. Vestas is committed to working with landowners and the communities in which we operate, listening to issues and addressing concerns that may arise.
  • Submit EPBC Act 1999 referral
    Vestas will refer the Project to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to be reviewed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Protection Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.
  • Development Application
    Vestas will lodge a Development Application with the relevant authority.
  • Development Consent issued (TBC)
  • Construction (approximately 36 months)