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Landholder Events – June and October 2024  

Vestas have recently held landholder information events at the Walkaway Tavern in June, and at the MIG Hall in Mingenew in October to share development updates on the Mid West Wind Farm and Mid West Energy Hub.

Both events were a great opportunity to provide a detailed project summary including activities completed so far, share the active timeline progression, engage in Q&A and then share a meal and conversations with landholders. 

The events were really positive, with a lot of excitement building around the projects. Many attendees expressed their support, especially for the community benefits and job opportunities to come. One concern raised at the events was around the location of planned transmission lines. We acknowledge this is a very real challenge for the project and are still working with both Western Power and independently to come up with the best solution for this. We are committed to keeping the lines of communication open as we move forward and will continue working closely with the community to make sure the project is a win for everyone. 

Thank you to those who took the time to engage in meaningful conversations, to the wonderful staff at the Walkaway Tavern and to the Mingenew bakery for the delicious catering!